Stiegelefels Fridingen KHReizner © Donaubergland GmbH/Karl-Heinz Reizner

The fascination of Danube infiltration

Nature experience


Wolfentalsweg, 88637 Buchheim

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The Stiegelesfels is a large, approx. 200 m high, impressive rock massif above the Danube. Together with the Laibfelsen and the Burgstall, it is one of the largest rock formations in the valley

The Stiegelesfels rock massif is part of the "Stiegelesfels Oberes Donautal" nature reserve. The Stiegelesfels was placed under protection back in the 1930s, initially with an area of approx. 28 hectares. In 2004, the area was extended to approx. 348 ha.

The protected area is home to a unique flora and fauna, not only for the region but also for Europe as a whole. Around 50 different plant communities occur here, more than any other known area of the same size. Of the plant species that occur, over 100 are on the Red List. The majority of the protected plant species colonize rocks, scree slopes and other natural forest-free sites. Among the animal species, the rock-dwelling bird species such as the eagle owl, peregrine falcon and common raven are the most impressive. Rare butterfly and grasshopper species are more inconspicuous, and bats, for which numerous caves offer protection and well-tempered hiding places, are hardly ever seen.

Source: RP Freiburg, Department 56 (Nature Conservation and Landscape Management), 2008

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