Reconstruction: Northwestern defense tower with stairway and battlements. Oven open towards the courtyard. © Stadt Nagold

Hohennagold Castle


Northwestern Defence Tower and Oven

Northwestern Defence Tower and Oven
Today's view of the defense tower © Johannes Hanschke
Guard room in the northwestern defense tower © Stadt Nagold


The rectangular foundation of a predecessor tower and part of the shield wall are the oldest remaining parts of the castle.
Like the watch-tower, the defence tower possessed a crenellated wreath and a pointed helmet. The gothic arch under the tower originally had several floors for firearms. There was probably an oven for baking bread under the arch, which was open towards the courtyard. The bailey had the oven built 1644.
The entrance to the guards‘ floors from the courtyard was built during the 19th Century. The former door to the battlement on the shield wall, a chimney and a medieval window still remain in the guards‘ room. There is a second room for the guards above it and above that a modern platform.
After the destruction of the castle, a guardhouse for two families remained inside the ruin. Two high guards had the duty of warning the townspeople of fire with two iron cannons. During the night, the guards used a horn to signal every quarter of an hour as well as the full hour. One of the noise cannons was positioned near the oven until French troopes shattered it.
In 1877 the tower was restored and made attractive for hikers and leisure activities. The vantage point on the platform still offers a wonderful view of the western and northern Nagold Valley and of the Swabian Alb.

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