City Pharmacy Wiesloch

Bertha Benz Memorial Route


City Pharmacy Wiesloch

Hauptstraße 96, 69168 Wiesloch

City Pharmacy Wiesloch

The first Gas Station in the World

During her drive from Mannheim to Pforzheim, in 1888, Bertha Benz ran out of gas near Wiesloch. She had to stop to buy some at the local pharmacy. Since then the pharmacy has garnered attention for being the “first gas station in the world”.

The city pharmacy exists since the 18th century. The first pharmacist from the pharmacy to garner nationwide attention was Johann Phillip Bronner (1792-1864), who owned the pharmacy from 1916 on. He is an important pioneer in the viniculture of Baden.

Discover Wiesloch

A stay in Wiesloch is always worth wile! Here historic roots meets art and public space, a vivid city center with many shops and boutiques and a diverse selection of pubs and restaurants.

If you wish you can discover Wiesloch from the city center on trough the “Mobile-Tour-Wiesloch”. Further info is to be found under the category of “Trivia”.  You can start the Tour right here: (German)

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