Automuseum Dr. Carl Benz Ladenburg

Bertha Benz Memorial Route


Automuseum Dr. Carl Benz Ladenburg

Ilvesheimer Straße 26, 68252 Ladenburg

  • Monday


  • Tuesday


  • Wednesday

    • 15:00 - 19:00
  • Thursday


  • Friday


  • Saturday

    • 15:00 - 19:00
  • Sunday

    • 15:00 - 19:00
Note on opening hours:

Groups upon request.

Admission fees

5,00 €
3,00 €
10,00 €


The whole museum is barrier-free accessible.

Experience the automobile history as if you would have been a part of it – from the world’s first car up to the hp-rich Mercedes Formula 1 racecar, from the first wooden bikes up to the colorful motorcycled of the 50’s.

History of the Benz Factory

Carl Benz, in cooperation with August Ritter, launches the T6 mechanical workshop in Mannheim.

Benz constructs a “Pferdelosen Wagen” (horse free wagon) with a gas run engine. On the 29th of January 1886 he filed for patent application of his car at the “Kaiserliches Patentamt” (imperial patent office) in Berlin. This date is now handled as the birth of the automobile.

With his new model “Velo” Benz engineered the first car to be produced in series. Up until 1901, 1200 units will be produced.

After altercations with his business partners Benz leaves the company in Manheim. However, in 1904, he returns onto the board of directors.

Construction for the first Benz factory is on its way in Ladenburg.

On June 6th the company C. Benz and Sons is introduced into the commercial registry.

Car production in Ladenburg begins.

In 1924 - after about 300 vehicles were built - the last two vehicles are produced by the company.
Afterwards the company develops into a repair service provider for large sized engines as well as a component supplier for the automotive industry.

Up until 2004 C. Benz & Sons only produces parts for Mercedes-Benz utility vehicles.

Winfried Seidel acquires the historic factory plant, including the property. Up until then the factory remains family property.

Due to generous donations by Mecedes-Benz the factory could undergo extensive renovation and restructuration into a museum. Therefor the former Benz factory in Ladenburg was turned into an honoring memorial place for the automobile pioneer Carl Benz.

More than 80 vehicles and cars remain witness of this mobile past. Ranging from the first car of the world up to the hp-rich period witnesses of motorsports; from the dandy horse of the Baron of Drais up to the colorful motorcycles of the “golden fifties”.

Exhibited in showcases you can see countless memorabilia from the life of the family Benz. In addition to that the two last cars produced by C. Benz & Sons are exhibited as well in the former factory as they have never been sold.

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